Eulerpool Data & Analytics Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates Hartford, US-CT
Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Cím / Székhely
Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates
C/O Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company
Attention Compliance Dept.
06103 Hartford
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal Operating Unit (LOU)
Társasági forma
Érvényesítési állapot
Utolsó frissítés
2023. 08. 04.
Következő megújulás
2016. 05. 06.
Eulerpool API Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates Árbevétel, nyereség, mérleg, szabadalmak, alkalmazottak és egyebek Hartford, US-CT
"lei": "5493000GP6JC4MR7CO94",
"legal_jurisdiction": "US-CT",
"legal_name": "Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates",
"entity_category": "GENERAL",
"entity_legal_form_code": "8888",
"legal_first_address_line": "C/O Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company",
"legal_additional_address_line": "Attention Compliance Dept.",
"legal_city": "Hartford",
"legal_postal_code": "06103",
"headquarters_first_address_line": "C/O Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company",
"headquarters_additional_address_line": "Attention Compliance Dept.",
"headquarters_city": "Hartford",
"headquarters_postal_code": "06103",
"registration_authority_entity_id": "",
"next_renewal_date": "2016-05-06T15:24:00.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-04T15:34:40.595Z",
"managing_lou": "5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12",
"registration_status": "LAPSED",
"validation_sources": "ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY",
"reporting_exception": "",
"slug": "Restructuring Account f.b.o. the Deferred Compensation Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the Thrift Plan for the Employees of the Metropolitan Transit Authority its Subsidiaries and Affiliates,Hartford,"
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